Sony EW100 EW300 Digital TV Tuner Specs Reviews

ТипДВБ-Т / Т2 Х.265ДВБ-Т / Т2 Х.264ДВБ-ТИСДБ-Т
4 штимер 4 антенаДВБ Т26540ДВБ-Т240/ИСДБ Т7800
2 штимер 2 антенаДВБ-Т265ДВБ-Т221ДВБ Т7200ИСДБ Т9820
1 штимер 1 антена/ДВБ Т2КДВБ Т7000ИСДБ Т63
Сони ЕВ100

Сони ЕВ100 дигитални ТВ тјунер Спецс Рецензије

Sony has unveiled and announced the new Sony Digital TV Tuner EW100. It is Digital TV (ДТВ) Tuner for gadgets including smartphones, таблете, navigation systems, and also for computers / ПЦ. This TV tuner comes with energy savings and low power.

Sony SMT EW100 Digital TV tuner
Sony SMT EW100 Digital TV tuner

Sony EW100 Series

Sony has proudly announced its latest innovation Digital TV (ДТВ) Tuner Module (SMT-EW100) for mobile devices such as smartphones, navigation systems, PCs, automotive infotainment systems, and tablets. This will consume low power as well as boosts the world’s smallest size and superior reception which makes it optimal to entrust and include in our mobile devices. This is the first module from Sony specialized for mobile usage which also supports the vivid types of digital terrestrial TV broadcast systems including DVB-T and DVB-T2 for Asia, Африка, Европа, Middle east while DVB-T2 Lite, ISDB-T for South America, and ISDB-Tmm for Japan.

With all the support like the tuner module, the antenna, софтвер, and technical support Sony India guarantees a fully secure way as well as the tuner enabling mobile device manufacturers easily incorporate a DTV feature into their products. With the world’s smallest size:6.9 мм х 6.9 мм х 1.0 мм, (incl. филтер, Crystal) the SMT EW100 series is getting a bit of craze which also supports DVB-T, ДВБ-Т2, DVB-T2 Lite, ISDB-T mm. This is supplied with the Android driver package with Multi-Interface Data: ДВДРип, СПИ, SDIO Control: I2C, СПИ, SDIO. The shipping would be starting in May 2015 and we will announce the pricing at the same time.  

Sony EW100
Сони ЕВ100

Why did we choose Sony EW100 EW300 to develop the high-speed in-car tv box?

The Sony EW300 chipset is a powerful and reliable processor that is used in a variety of consumer electronics. It is designed to provide high performance and low power consumption, making it an ideal choice for a wide range of applications. In this article, we will compare the performance of the Sony EW300 chipset to other leading chipsets in the market.

The Sony EW100 EW300 chipset is based on a 32-bit ARM Cortex-A7 processor, which is capable of running at up to 1.2GHz. This processor is designed to provide high performance while consuming minimal power. It also features a dedicated graphics processor, which is capable of rendering high-quality graphics at a resolution of up to 1080p.

In comparison to other leading chipsets, the Sony EW300 chipset offers superior performance. It is capable of running multiple applications simultaneously without any lag or slowdown. It also offers excellent power efficiency, allowing it to run for longer periods of time without draining the battery.

The Sony EW100 EW300 chipset also offers excellent multimedia capabilities. It is capable of playing back high-definition video and audio files with ease. It also supports a wide range of audio and video codecs, allowing it to play back virtually any type of media file.

коначно, the Sony EW300 chipset is highly reliable. It is designed to be resistant to heat, dust, and other environmental factors. Ово осигурава да ће наставити да ради поуздано чак иу тешким условима.

Свеукупно, Сони ЕВ300 чипсет је одличан избор за широк спектар апликација. Нуди врхунске перформансе, одлична енергетска ефикасност, и поуздан рад. То је идеалан избор за оне којима је потребан моћан и поуздан процесор за своју потрошачку електронику.

Сони објављује нови дигитални ТВ (ДВБ-Т/Т2) тјунер модул за мобилне уређаје


Од 20. јануара (21. јануара 2015,东京)索尼公司(以下简称“索尼”)宣布其全新数字电视调谐器模组(包括SMT-EW100系列)的商品化可用于智能手机平板电脑车载娱乐系统导航系统和个人电脑等各类移动设备该高性能的数字电视调谐器模组拥有全球最小尺寸*表现卓越接收效果的同时保持极低能耗是供移动设备内置的最佳选择此调谐器模组可支持众多制式的数字地面电视广播系统包括DVB-T,ДВБ-Т2,DVB-T2 LiteISDB-T和 ISDB-Tmm在SMT-EW100系列调谐器模组供货同时索尼还将提供天线软件和技术支持在该整体解决方案的支持下,Произвођачи мобилних уређаја могу лако додати ДТВ (дигиталну телевизију) функционалност својим производима。Очекује се да ће СМТ-ЕВ100 бити доступан у мају 2015。  

SMT-EW100系列的主要特点 :

Најмања величина на свету:6.9 мм х 6.9 мм х 1.0 мм (укључујући филтер、Кристал)

Подржава ДВБ-Т,ДВБ-Т2,DVB-T2 Lite,ИСДБ-Т,ИСДБ-Тмм

Ниска потрошња енергије:Мање од 200 мВ

Више података интерфејса:ДВДРип,СПИ,СДИО контрола:I2C,СПИ,SDIO

Доступан као комплетно решење производа (укључујући модуле、антена、софтвер и техничка подршка)

可与安卓驱动包一起提供 可接收区域

东盟及中东地区 (, ДВБ-Т / Т2)

欧洲 (, ДВБ-Т / Т2)

非洲 (, ДВБ-Т / Т2)

南美洲 (ИСДБ-Т)

日本 (ISDB-T/Tmm)


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