Alemaña DVB-T2 lista de canles H.265

Alemaña DVB-T2 Lista de Canles

Alemaña DVB-T2 Lista de canles de DVB-T265 probado en Alemaña

PreguntaQuero destacar que o DVB-T265 é un moi bo receptor. Pero como vostede sabe, every product has the potential to improve its performance. Especially for the German market, I want to indicate how the DVB-T265 receiver could be even more successful. Polo tanto, ten que facer só pequenas modificacións: After the automatic search a lot of channels are included in the TV List, pero só algúns deles se pode amosar por que o receptor non é capaz de manexar todas as canles. polo tanto, to avoid confusion for the user, sería mellor para eliminar as seguintes entradas da lista: eu. Canles co '$' - sinal (este é Pay-TV, I was asked by many customers why the screen is dark for these channels) II. Channels that include the word ‘(conectar)’ in their name. These channels need an Internet-Connection Without these entries the list would be more compact than below the picture and the selection of a special channel would be easier, especialmente no ámbito coche.
respostaGrazas polos seus comentarios, please check the below link to get the upgrade software. DVB-T2 firmware upgrade software download, Como facer actualice?
  1. Unzip and copy the file to a USB stick.
  2. Control remoto para escoller, menú->System->actualización de software
  3. ao facer o upgrade, por favor, desactive a alimentación.
  4. Despois de actualizar correctamente, please make a factory reset, contrasinal do usuario 000000
  5. Then AutoSearch again.
Germany DVB-T2 Channel List H.265 1

Germany DVB-T2 Channel List
Alemaña DVB-T2 Lista de Canles
001 ZDF
002 3Sat
003 ZDFinfo
004 neo / Kika
012 arte
013 Phoenix
014 ONE
015 primeiro
016 BR TV Sud HD
017 hr.fernsehen HD
020 WDR HD Koin
021 O primeiro HD
022 arte HD
024 Tagesschau24 HD
025 ONE HD
033 Bayerisches FS
034 hr- reloxo TV
035 SWR televisión BW
036 WDR Oportunidades
037 ZDF HD
038 ZDFinfo HD
039 ZDF-neo HD
040 3Sat HD
041 Kika HD
Germany DVB-2 Channel List H.265
Alemaña DVB-T2 Lista de Canles

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