Jérman DVB-T2 Channel Daptar H.265

Jérman DVB-T2 Daptar Channel

Jérman DVB-T2 Channel Daptar ti DVB-T265 dites di Jerman

tatanyaAbdi hoyong nyarios yén DVB-T265 mangrupakeun panarima pohara alus. Tapi anjeun nyaho, every product has the potential to improve its performance. Especially for the German market, I want to indicate how the DVB-T265 receiver could be even more successful. Kituna anjeun kudu nyieun modifikasi ngan leutik: After the automatic search a lot of channels are included in the TV List, Tapi ngan sababaraha di antarana bisa ditampilkeun ku sabab receiver teu bisa nélépon ka sadaya saluran. kituna, to avoid confusion for the user, eta bakal leuwih hadé pikeun ngaleungitkeun éntri handap tina daptar nu: abdi. Saluran jeung '$' - tanda (ieu bayar-TV, I was asked by many customers why the screen is dark for these channels) II. Channels that include the word ‘(nyambungan)’ in their name. These channels need an Internet-Connection Without these entries the list would be more compact than below the picture and the selection of a special channel would be easier, utamana di lingkungan mobil.
jawabanHatur nuhun komentar Anjeun, please check the below link to get the upgrade software. DVB-T2 firmware upgrade software download, Kumaha carana ningkatkeun?
  1. Unzip and copy the file to a USB stick.
  2. Jauh Control milih, MENU->System->software ningkatkeun
  3. nalika ngaronjatkeun, punten ulah megatkeun daya.
  4. Saatos ningkatkeun hasil, please make a factory reset, sandi pamaké 000000
  5. Then AutoSearch again.
Germany DVB-T2 Channel List H.265 1  


Germany DVB-T2 Channel List
Jérman DVB-T2 Daptar Channel
001 ZDF
002 3diuk
003 ZDFinfo
004 neo / KIKA
012 seni
013 Phoenix
014 hiji
015 kahiji
016 BR TV Sud HD
017 hr.fernsehen HD
021 Kahiji HD
022 arte HD
023 Phoenix HD
024 Tagesschau24 HD
025 hiji HD
033 Bayerisches FS
034 hr- nonton TV
035 SWR televisi BW
036 prak WDR
037 ZDF HD
038 ZDFinfo HD
039 zdf-neo HD
040 3diuk HD
Germany DVB-2 Channel List H.265
Jérman DVB-T2 Daptar Channel

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