Nenga Di Amigu, Sorry that you need to send the cargo back to us. Please read the below information, danki.

Please send to Vcan below address;

Direkshon: Lugá di biba 606, HuaRong Edifisio, QiaoLianDong Area Industrial, Antia, Langa, Hensen, Guangdong China

Kódigo postal: 518129

Tal: +86 755 2558 7556

Telefon Móvil: +86 186 0300 8500

Persona di contacto: Mr. Png

Tera: Chin

Estado / Provinsia: Guang Dong

Nòmber Di E Stat: Hensen

Kaya: Lugá di biba 606, Huarong Building, Qiaoliandong Industrial Area, Banian, Longgang



电话:+86 755 2558 7556 或者 2594 9995

手机: 0086 186 0300 8500

联系人: 彭先生

Shipping Mark Label to every carton (Very important for smooth arrival)

E Balor Di E Aktua, por fabor konfirmá ku nos, danki. (Ta importante pa ofisina di duana)

Please print the below picture as “Shipping Mark” For every carton, Por fabor pega aki marka;

(This mark is written in Chinese language, The Purpose is to help courier staff understand easily, pa e influensia resistí e tempu)

iVcan shipping mark

Danki na su atenshon & e operacion!

